Thursday, January 3, 2013

My new goal...

I am such a nerd for organizing. Today, I found my new favorite blog...IHeart Organizing! It's awesome and has inspired me already. I don't usually make New Years resolutions because...well...they (or should I say "I") always disappoint. I am, however, making a goal. My goal is to organize something at home every day. EVERY day. And believe me, there is more than plenty to organize.

Today was a good day for organizing. Before heading to the PTO meeting at my son's school, I took down all my Christmas decorations, organized them into bins (one bin of ornaments for the tree and another of my Santa decorations) and took them down into basement. Success! I feel so much better. I can't wait for the hubby to drag the tree outside.

After my meeting, I came home and organized a shelf in my bathroom closet. Yes, one shelf. But I'm so excited. It was my 'hair stuff' shelf and it was a mess. I didn't take a before picture, but here's the finished product:

Isn't it great?! The pink basket was a gift basket of goodies from Bath & Body Works that I received for Christmas. The two small boxes were also gifts. Perfect size for my elastic hair bands and for my clips and bobby pins. My curling iron and straightener fit perfectly in the corner. 

I just showed my husband. He said, "Oh wow. It's so.....organized." Clearly, not as enthused as I. Oh well...I'll show him. See that shelf above the organized one? That's going to be FUN. I realize that I will be needing more boxes/baskets/containers so I may have to head over to Target this weekend. 

I really am excited about my new goal! I hope I can sleep tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Love that I "introduced" you iheartorganizing. following her has changed my life lol, it has made me even more of a control freak OCD girl, excited to follow along on your adventures Rheanna!
