Sunday, December 2, 2012

Neurotic Organization

Welcome to my very first blog. I'm really excited (and maybe a little nervous) so bear with me and go easy on me...I will do my best to not be utterly boring and undeserving of your attention!

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I like to be organized, I like things to be planned well in advance, and I like - no, I need - to be early...for EVERYTHING. Most people probably find it annoying. Sometimes I annoy myself.

I thought I'd create a blog for two purposes. One - to be able to express my neurosis about being organized. Yes - it's neurotic, really. One time I decided to leave my husband's socks on the living room floor (his favorite place to take them off) and see how long it would take before he picked them up and placed them into the laundry basket. A week later, I was having MAJOR anxiety about it while he probably didn't give the socks a second look. Lesson learned - I just need to pick up the damned socks myself and I'll be a much happier person.

I have come to terms with the fact that no room in my house will stay clean for more than 24 hours (I have a 5-year-old boy). I can attest that it takes one 5-year-old about 10 minutes to turn a room from tidy to disaster. I'll blog to tell my stories - maybe they'll be entertaining - maybe they'll be depressing - maybe you've experienced the same thing.

If you've been to my house, you know how small it is. I love my cozy house for so many reasons. But it is small. I'm talking living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and a bathroom small. We've gotten creative when it comes to capitalizing on space and organizing things efficiently. Which brings me to the second purpose of my blog. To share ways that we've made the most of our small spaces. And, to find new ways to organize. I'll share my ideas, pictures of things we've done, and cool things I've come across. If you have ideas or are looking for ideas, let me know. I love to find solutions when it comes to organizing and small spaces.

Cheers! (But put that glass in the sink when you're done. And rinse it out while you're at it.)

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